



[运动控制] Siemens SIMOTION SCOUT V4.3 incl. SP1 with DriveES v5.5 SP1 (x32+x64)

山海致远 发表于 2012-11-14 15:56:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
支持操作系统:老软件只兼容老系统,Windows XP Professional SP3 resp. Windows 7 / Windows 7 SP1 Professional and Ultimate (32 and 64 bit).
百度网盘下载链接.txt (754 Bytes, 售价: 30 E币)
  • 工程组态系统 SIMOTION SCOUT 和 SCOUT 独立版 V4.3 SP1 HF1
  • CamTool V3.0 SP2
  • SIMOTION 内核/固件 V4.3 SP1 HF1 (随 SIMOTION SCOUT 提供)
已签订 SCOUT 和 SCOUT 独立版的有效软件更新服务合同的用户会自动收到 SIMOTION SCOUT/SCOUT 独立版 V4.3 SP1 HF1 (DVD 交付)。
从即刻起,带有软件 V4.3 SP1 HF1 的控制单元 SIMOTION D4xx 和 D4x5-2 已发布。对于 SIMOTION V4.3 SP1 HF1,针对 SIMOTION D4xx (6AU1400-2PA02-0AA0)和 SIMOTION D4x5-2 (6AU1400-2PA22-0AA0)推出了新的 CF 卡。现有的 CF 卡 6AU1400-2PA01-0AA0 和 6AU1400-2PA21-0AA0 将在 7 月份被宣布为淘汰产品,仅在 2012 年 8 月之前提供。新的 CF 卡是完全兼容的。
V4.3 SP1 HF1 通过 D425-2 和 D435-2 以及 CBE30-2 扩展了 SIMOTION D4x5-2 控制单元的产品范围。新控制单元 SIMOTION D410-2 DP 需要 V4.3 SP1 的 Hotfix 2。一个单独的产品发布中公布了有关新控制单元的更详细信息。
从即刻起,带有软件 V4.3 SP1 HF1 的 SIMOTION C240/C240 PN 已发布。所交付的 SIMOTION C240/C240 PN (6AU1720-1KA00-0AA0) 的 MMC 卡中含有 SIMOTION 内核 V4.3 SP1 HF1。
从即刻起,带有软件 V4.3 SP1 HF1 的 SIMOTION P320-3 和 SIMOTION P350-3 已发布。SIMOTION P320-3 和 SIMOTION P350-3 在从工厂供货时仍带有 SIMOTION 内核 V4.2 SP1。内核 V4.3 SP1 HF1 在 SCOUT DVD 上提供,可用于将 SIMOTION P 平台升级到软件版本 V4.3 SP1 HF1。
2. 功能范围
SIMOTION V4.3 SP1 HF1 提供了多项新功能。
  • 通过附加控制单元使 SIMOTION D4xx-2 系列产品变得完整
  • 扩展了处理功能
  • 数量框架十分广泛的 PROFINET 通信、平稳过渡的介质冗余(MRPD)以及 2 个 PROFINET IO 接口
  • SCOUT V4.3 SP1 中提供了众多增强功能(例如,监控表、项目比较、LAD/FBD 中的局部搜索)
  • 扩展功能,例如:

    • 项目生成器 SIMOTION easyProject
    • 对 SCOUT“文档、实用工具和应用程序”DVD 上实用工具和应用程序的扩展


SIMOTION SCOUT 版本 V4.3 SP1 HF1 与版本 V4.2、V4.1、V4.0 和 V3.2 兼容。
  • 可升级到新版本(例如,在需要通过版本 V4.3 SP1 HF1 的功能来扩展现有项目时)。Readme 文件中和手册中包含相关描述。
  • 也可通过 SCOUT 版本 V4.3 SP1 HF1 来处理(只能向上转换项目数据)。然后,如果需要,可用 V4.2、V4.1、V4.0 和 V3.2 格式来存储项目数据。在 V3.0 或 V3.1 中创建的项目必须事先用旧版本 SCOUT 升级到 V3.2 (或更高版本)。
处提供了当前的 SIMOTION 兼容性列表,其中含有软件和硬件组合。
有关 TopLoading 应用程序的注意事项
在将 TopLoading Application 与 SIMOTION V4.3 SP1 HF1 结合使用时,需要使用 Toploading Application V1.9。从 SIMOTION V4.2 SP1 起,由于接口上的变化,将不再支持版本 V1.8。
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This software package contains Version V4.3 SP1 HF1 for SIMOTION SCOUT and the SIMOTION devices.

The software package consists of various parts that are represented by individual directories on three DVDs.
The individual directories of the SIMOTION V4.3 SP1 HF1 installation DVD are called Disk1, CD_1 to CD_5, SSP_CD1 and SSP_INT_CD1.
This DVD structure enables the contents of the DVD to be copied to separate CDs.

DVD name Directory on DVD Contents
DVD1 SCOUT V4.3 SP1 HF1 Disk1 CD_1-5 SSP_CD1, SSP_INT_CD1 SIMOTION complete setup SIMOTION SCOUT V4.3 SP1 HF1 SINAMICS Support Package
DVD2 SCOUT V4.3 SP1 HF1 Add-ons Addon CamTool DriveEs_Basic SIMOTION Add-on V4.3 SP1 HF1 SIMOTION Extensions CamTool DriveES Basic V5.5 SP1
DVD3 SCOUT V4.3 SP1 HF1 Documentation Utilities_Applications Documentation Utilities_Applications SimaticNet STEP7_V55_SP2_HF1 Documentation V4.3 SP1 HF1 Utilities & Applications V4.3 SP1 HF1 SIMATIC NET V7.1 SP3 (Edition 2008 SP3) Hotfix 1 for SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.5 SP2
Disk1 SIMOTION complete setup V4.3 SP1 HF1
Disk1 contains the complete setup to install the components of the software package.
Installation of SIMOTION SCOUT V4.3 SP1 HF1 incl. online help

The Addon directory contains important information on V4.3 SP1 HF1, the SIMOTION Kernel V4.3 SP1 HF1 for all platforms, the Firmware Support Package V4.3 SP1 HF1 (installation of the FWSP in SCOUT for the device update tool) as well as all the information on SIMOTION IT (at 4_Accessories).

SIMOTION extensions, CamTool V3.0 SP2
The CamTool software is for the easy creation of cams. CamTool is an optional package for SIMOTION SCOUT and must be licensed separately.
A new upgrade license is required for CamTool V3.0 SP2 compared to previous versions before V3.0.

Additional SINAMICS firmware versions are stored as SINAMICS Support Packages (SSPs).
The contents of SSP_CD1 can be selected individually for installation via the SCOUT setup.
It is also possible to install the SSPs contained on SSP_CD1 individually at a later date.
Read the information provided on the SSPs in SSP_CD1\SSP_name\01_Readme\.
The contents of SSP_INT_CD1 are installed automatically.
DriveES Basic V5.5 SP1
The DriveES Basic software can be installed on the engineering computer of SCOUT for the configuration and commissioning of the MASTERDRIVES and SIMODRIVE drive components.
The DriveES Basic software is licensed for use with this SCOUT license.
Please note that with the installation of DriveES Basic, STARTER cannot be installed, as simultaneous operation of SCOUT and STARTER is not possible.
It should therefore not be selected for installation.
The installation for DriveES can be found on DVD2 in the DriveES_Basic directory.
SIMATIC NET V7.1 SP3 (SIMATIC NET, PC software, Edition 2008 SP3)
The correct SIMATIC NET version for the SIMOTION P V4.3 SP1 HF1 is supplied without license with SCOUT. For use, a license must be ordered separately.
Documentation V4.3 SP1 HF1
The Documentation directory contains the SIMOTION documentation in German, English, Italian and French in PDF format.
Utilities & Applications V4.3 SP1 HF1
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