FANUC Program Transfer Tool V19.0解压密码
(8.41 MB, 售价: 6 E币)
打开 会话设定 在 序列号--管理 输入序列号。

[1] Environment
1.1. Supported OS
Program Transfer Tool supports the following OS.
- Windows 11 Pro
- Windows 10 Pro (32/64bit OS)
Display : 1024x768 or higher resolution
Vacant capacity of hard disk : 30Mbytes or more
1.2. Program Transfer Tool can be used with the following CNC:
- Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL A/B/B Plus
- Series 35i-MODEL B
- Power Motion i-A
- Series 0i-MODEL B/C/D/F/F Plus
- Series 16i/18i/21i-MODEL A/B
- Series 20i-MODEL B
- Power Mate i-MODEL D/H
The Ethernet or Data Server function is required to CNC.
The PCMCIA LAN card is not supported.
[2] Installation
2.1. Procedure of installation
- The administrator privilege is required to installing.
- Silent installation is not supported.
(1) Set CD-ROM in CD-ROM drive.
(2) The installer will be started automatically.
Follow the instructions which are displayed in PC.
2.2 Serial No.
After the installing, the serial number is required on the setting dialog.
The serial number paper is included in the CD-ROM case.
2.3 Procedure of update
- It is possible to update from old specification, A08B-9510-J513 or
A08B-9510-J514, to the new specification, A08B-9510-J515.
- The following updating procedure is different:
(a) Version 1.0 -> Version 2.0
(b) Version 2.0 -> Version 3.0 or later
Please refer to the manual for the detail.
[3] Update history
Version 19.0 (October, 2023)
- A digital signature has been added. There are no changes in
Version 18.0 (November, 2022)
- The extended program memory (PC) has been supported.
- The progress display of downloading and uploading programs has been
- LSCi-A has been supported with the setting of 31i.
Version 17.0 (September, 2020)
- The security function of FOCAS2 library has been supported.
Version 16.0 (June, 2019)
- The download speed to the program storage file (FANUCPRG.BIN) stored
in the memory card of CNC is improved.
- Even if the Program Folder Screen is displayed on the CNC while
downloading or uploading multiple text files to or from the CNC
memory card, the transfer have been supported.
Version 15.0 (Nov.,2018)
- Program storage file (named "FANUCPRG.BIN") in the memory card of CNC
has been supported.
- The number of path(head) supported by the tool has been expanded to
Version 14.0 It is a missing number.
Version 13.0 (May,2018)
- Communication may be terminated when operation is not performed for
a certain period of time after connecting this tool and CNC.
This phenomenon may occur in Windows Vista or later OS.
It has improved so that this phenomenon does not occur.
Version 12.0 (Mar.,2017)
- Memory card of CNC is supported.
Version 11.0 It is a missing number.
Version 10.0 (Nov.,2014)
- Series 0i-MODEL F has been supported.
- Windows 10 Pro(32bit/64bit OS) has been supported.
Version 9.0 (June,2014)
- License and specification has been changed.
The single computer license has been changed to the site license.
Please refer to the "LICENSE AGREEMENT" for details.
New specification
Old specifications are abolished.
Version 8.0 (Aug.,2011)
- Power Motion i-A has been supported.
- Windows 8 Pro(32bit/64bit OS) has been supported.
Version 7.0 (Feb.,2011)
- Windows 7 Professional(64bit OS) has been supported.
Version 6.0 (Oct.,2010)
- Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL B, Series 35i-MODEL B has been supported.
Version 5.1 (May,2010)
- The following error may be occurred at downloading.
"Retry because the buffer is full."
This problem is corrected.
Version 5.0 (Apr.,2010)
- Windows 7 Professional(32bit OS) has been supported.
Version 4.0 (Sep.,2008)
- Transferring tool management data of Series 30i/31i/32i-MODEL A has
been supported.
Version 3.0 (May.,2008)
- Series 0i-MODEL D has been supported.
- Simplified Chinese has been supported.
Version 2.0 (Dec.26,2007)
- Windows Vista Business(32bit OS) has been supported.
- Upgrade CD is added.
Version 1.0 (Oct.03,2007)
- New creation
** Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
** Other product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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