ABB AC31GRAF 2.13.rar
(15.43 MB, 售价: 100 E币)
AC31及更早系列产品(例如Sigmatronic, Procontic)已经淘汰,并且被 AC500 PLC替代。
AC31 40-50系列提供可中央和分散扩展的小型和紧凑型PLC。AC31 90系列提供强大的 PLC,适用于多种配置选项的具有挑战性的应用,最大支持5个通信接口。PLC本地支持60个 I/O信号,并支持分布式扩展。PLC支持多种集成的现场总线,如Ethernet, PROFIBUS DP, ARCNET 和 CANopen。
AC31 40-50系列使用基于IEC61131-3标准的编程软件AC31GRAF。AC31 90系列产品使用基于IEC61131-3标准的编程软件907AC1131。
AC31-S安全产品适用于安全相关的应用。它是基于时间验证系统架构的AC31 90系列产品。
AC31 and previous series (e.g. Sigmatronic, Procontic) are obsolete and were replaced by the AC500 PLC platform.
The Advant Controller 31 series 40-50 offered small and compact PLCs with central and decentralized extensions. The Advant Controller 31 series 90 offered powerful PLCs for challenging applications with various configuration options and up to five communication interfaces. The PLC provided 60 I/Os internally and could be expanded decentrally. The combination of integrated communication fieldbus allowed to connect the PLC to several protocols like e.g. Ethernet, PROFIBUS DP, ARCNET or CANopen.
Both AC31 series 40 and 50 utilized the same AC31GRAF software which conformed to the IEC61131-3 standard. AC31 series 90 utilized the 907 AC 1131 programming software, also developed in accordance with IEC61131-3.
The Advant Controller AC31-S was available for safety-related applications. It was based on the time-proven system structure of the AC31 series 90 variant.
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