(1.45 KB)
(1.35 KB, 售价: 1 E币)
System Requirements (minimum)
- NVIDIA Graphic adapter with PhysX support and minimum 1GB RAM | recommendation 2GB RAM
- Minimum 8GB RAM | recommendation 16GB RAM or higher
- Dual-Core CPU | recommendation Quad-Core CPU
- DirectX 9.0 support
- WIN 10 64Bit
KUKA.Sim 4.3.1 (March, 2023)
**New Functionality**
- Simulation of energy consumption
- Improved path visualization
- Near point approximation is now possible
- Safety PLC usage improvements
- New collision free pattern for Approach/Depart statement in ProcessLayer AddOn 1.2.1
**Included AddOns**
- Program-Editor for Visual Components
- ProcessLayer AddOn
- ArcWelding AddOn
- Connectivity AddOn
- Modeling AddOn
**Additional Information**
- Communication interface information now available on the saftey configuration overview
**Known Issue**
- Limited Roboteam "Progsync" support. Different behavior between simulation and real controller.
- Robot exchange does not support the functionality to reuse safety configuration
- Not possible to use Layouts in new Layouts
- Incomplete expert expressions like "LIN {X 1250,y 1200}" are not supported
KUKA.Sim 4.3.0 (November, 2022)
**New Functionality**
- BBRA Simulation
- Default safety objects
- Brake test configuration
- SafeVelocityMonitoring support
- Safety configuration import support
- Safety configuration report generation
- Silent simulation in KUKA Stop services
- KUKA Stop services handling improvements
**Included AddOns**
- Program-Editor for Visual Components
- ProcessLayer AddOn
- ArcWelding AddOn
- Connectivity AddOn
- Modeling AddOn
**Additional Information**
**Known Issue**
- Not possible to use Layouts in new Layouts
- Incomplete expert expressions like "LIN {X 1250,y 1200}" are not supported
KUKA.Sim 4.1.0 (May, 2022)
**New Functionality**
- RoboTeam Simulation
- Fast measurement input
- Command for setting tool / base
- Command for setting simulation view / simulation velocity
- Support of KP3 and KP5 (check "Additional Information")
- New default setting for graphical setting: "High Performance"
- Automatic attach of components (while Drag&Drop)
- Configuration of external merge tool for program deployment
- Quick insert of statement
- Full safety configuration
- Safety trial options
- New safety default values for 3D elements
- Print of safety settings
**Included AddOns**
- Program-Editor for Visual Components
- ProcessLayer AddOn
- ArcWelding AddOn
- Connectivity AddOn
- Modeling AddOn
**Additional Information**
- Only supported RCS versions can be selected
- When using simulation with a VRC (Office Lite oder Office) while the VPN is connected, some connection issues can occur.
In this case the settings needs to be changed or the VPN should be deactivated.
- The full functionality of KP3 and KP5 will be provided by a new catalog, which will be delivered later. The delivery will be done automatically by
a new ECat, which will be downloaded by an active internet connection.
**Known Issue**
- Not possible to use Layouts in new Layouts
- RoboTeam MotionSync motion is delayed and not fluid (The calculated cycletime is correct, to see the movement use virtual time)
- Motion Cooperation for RoboTeam is not supported
- Incomplete expert expressions like "LIN {X 1250,y 1200}" are not supported
KUKA.Sim 4.0.2 (October, 2021)
**New Functionality**
- Python script support
- Search & Replace (Sim KRL)
- OfficeLite Support within KUKA.Sim (Remote SimulationStart)
- OfficeLite Support within KUKA.Sim (Deployment of Configuration)
- OfficeLite Support within KUKA.Sim (Watch window)
- MotionMode Statement
**Included AddOns**
- Program-Editor for Visual Components
- ArcWelding AddOn
- Connectivity AddOn
- Modeling AddOn
**Additional Information**
- Only supported RCS versions can be selected
**Known Issue**
- Difference of stop service volumes
- Inaccuracy at exact point
KUKA.Sim 4.0.1 (May, 2021)
**New Functionality**
- Statement and KRL Programming support
- WorkOnline within Sim (Porgramming of Controller/OfficeLite)
- Online Connection to Controller/OfficeLite
- Stopping Distance
- Hardware Tree
- Safety Configuration
**Included AddOns**
- Program-Editor for Visual Components
- ArcWelding AddOn
- Connectivity AddOn
- Modeling AddOn
**Additional Information**
- Blending with spline movements doesn't work properly. An error will be displayed and the simulation will be stopped.
- Caution, unexpected behavior:
In certain cases, when using spline (especially continuous SCIRC) movements with the RCS-module trajectory planning, the simulated cycle times may deviate more from the real system than expected.
In case very accurate cycle times are required for complex spline movements, these should be verified by an OPS (Office PC).
**Known Issue**
- Stopping Distance: Deviation path (whiskers) are on wrong location if positions are in Base.
- SCIRC does not respect defined angle (CA)
- Different cycle time comparing OfficePC
- Different cycle time if KUKA.Sim connecting
- Blending of spline movements does not work
- The exchange robot function does not work in all cases
- Kuka.Sim 4.0 Error message after delete an robot + Cell Graph crashes
- Inline form with conditional stop not possible
- When moving the robot (parameters to the world), the home position is moved in mirror image (should move with the robot)
KUKA.Sim 4.0.0 (December, 2020)
**New Functionality**
**Bug Fixes**
- Improved OfficeLite connetion
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