支持的操作系统:Windows 8.1 Pro (32bit,64bit) 和 Windows 10 (32bit,64bit) Recommended Version 2004 or higher + .NET Framework2.0/.NET Framework 3.5
再次提醒 仅是安装文件,如果不授权安装后程序打开会提示让你授权,否则不进行授权程序运行不了。
(1.44 KB, 售价: 1 E币)
Update history
Ver 20.20 (2021.4.20)
- The CNC GUIDE that authorize the license with the software license,
the first edition.
Ver 22.00 (2021.8.4乯
- Academic package has been added.
- Multi-user license by network has been supported.
- The following CNC System has been added.
+ FS35i-B Line : G641 / 27
- The following improvements have been applied:
[FS32i-B Line]
+ Start from machine composition setting data has become available.
[FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus, FS30i-B Plus 72AX]
+ In the machine composition setting data,
parameters that option can be set enable or disable set '0'.
[FS30i-B, FS30i-B Plus]
+ In the case of the machine composition setting data that uses iHMI,
the following option set enable by default.
[FS0i-F, FS0i-F Plus]
+ The following options were able to be used with MANUAL GUIDE i enabled.
Loader control function(R417)
Addition of loader control path(R418)
Ver 22.20 (2021.10.5)
- The following problem is corrected.
+ When Information Center of iHMI is displayed,
the contents of Display Details may not correct. (FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus)
+ The comments of parameter screen may not correct. (FS35i-B Line)
+ In iHMI, 4-digit G-code cycle may not be executed. (FS30i/31i/32i-B, FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus, FS0i-F Plus)
+ In machining simulation of MANUAL GUIDE i, tool rotary axis
during the polar coordinate interpolation with inch input is not drawn correctly.
(FS30i-A, FS0i-D, FS30i/31i/32i-B, FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus, FS0i-F, FS0i-F Plus)
Ver 23.10 (2021.11.26)
- The error message in case there is no valid license has been changed.
Ver 24.00 (2021.12.24)
- MOP Simulator has been supported.
- CNC System has been updated to following series / version.
+ FS0i-F : D4G2/D6G2 / 47
+ FS0i-F Plus : D4G3/D6G3 / 28
+ FS30i-B : G313 / 54
+ FS30i-B 32AX : G323 / 54
+ FS30i-B 48AX : G333 / 54
+ FS31i-B : G413 / 54
+ FS31i-B5 : G433 / 54
+ FS32i-B : G503 / 54
+ FS35i-B 16AX : G613 / 54
+ FS30i-B Plus : G317 / 18
+ FS31i-B Plus : G417 / 18
+ FS31i-B5 Plus : G437 / 18
+ FS32i-B Plus : G507 / 18
+ FS30i-B Plus 72AX : G3GD / 11
- iHMI System has been updated to following series / version.
+ FS0i-F Plus : K779 / 12
Ver 24.20 (2022.4.8)
- The following CNC System has been added.
+ FS30i-LB Plus : G3D7 / 5
Ver 25.00 (2022.5.31)
- The following CNC System has been added.
+ FS0i-LF Plus : DCG3 / 09
+ FS30i-LB : G3D5 / 21
- iHMI System has been supported to following series / version.
+ FS0i-LF Plus : K787 / 14
+ FS30i-LB Plus : K789 / 09
+ FS30i-LB : K778 / 16
- CNC System has been updated to following series / version.
+ FS0i-F : D4G2/D6G2 / 49
+ FS0i-F Plus : D4G3/D6G3 / 30
+ FS30i-B : G313 / 55
+ FS30i-B 32AX : G323 / 55
+ FS30i-B 48AX : G333 / 55
+ FS31i-B : G413 / 55
+ FS31i-B5 : G433 / 55
+ FS32i-B : G503 / 55
+ FS35i-B 16AX : G613 / 55
+ FS30i-B Plus : G317 / 19
+ FS31i-B Plus : G417 / 19
+ FS31i-B5 Plus : G437 / 19
+ FS32i-B Plus : G507 / 19
+ FS32i-B Plus Line : G547 / 19
+ FS30i-B Plus 72AX : G3GD / 12
- iHMI System has been updated to following series / version.
+ FS0i-F Plus : K797 / 03
+ FS30i/31i/32i-B : K795 / 06
+ FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus : K796 / 08
- The following options have been added.
[FS30i/31i/32i-B, FS30i-B 32AX/48AX, FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus,
FS30i-B Plus 72AX, FS0i-TF, FS0i-TF Plus]
+ 4th/5th axis offset(R517)
[FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus, FS30i-B Plus 72AX]
+ Tool posture turning(R338)
+ Speed control with acceleration in circular interpolation(J809)
+ Optimum torque acceleration/deceleration(S675)
[FS30i/31i/32i-B Plus]
+ High-speed processing(S809)
- The following improvements have been applied:
[FS0i-F Plus]
+ CNC Screen size 15/19 inch has become available.
(19 inch display is only Window Mode)
- The following problem is corrected.
+ Some Reading Diagnosis Data (High-speed Response) functions that terminates abnormally with PMC Window are changed to return completion code 3. (The specified diagnosis data number is invalid)
+ If CNC GUIDE is forcibly terminated while rewriting the parameter, the parameter may become incorrect after the next launch.
+ If Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, or Hindi is selected as the input language for Windows, warning dialog will be displayed when CNC GUIDE is launched.
+ If you restart immediately after creating new program on the O list screen of MANUAL GUIDE i, and press new soft key on the O list screen, the screen will be frozen.
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