Pro-drive is software used for maintenance of Hitachi inverters.
It is a simple, easy-to-use, but also powerful application, capable to communicate with any inverter type and to access all inverter parameters. Using the internal data base, which contains limits and dependencies, Pro-drive will not allow user to write any out-of-range value, or to write some strange combination of parameters which may render inverter unusable.
支持操作系统:Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP支持机型:The ProDrive Software is compatible with following series of Hitachi industrial inverters:Compatible with L100-XFU, L100-MFU2, L100-MFR2,
L200-XFU, L200-XFU2 ,L300P-XFU, L300P-XBRM,
L300P-XFU2, SJ200-XFU, SJ200-XFU2, SJ100-XFU,
X200, SJ700, SJH300-XF, SJ300EL, SJ300-XFU
(7.64 MB, 售价: 30 E币)
ProDrive Loader is a simple, easy to use utility, aimed for less experienced users. Predefined inverter parameter sets, copying of data between inverters and inverter data verification may be done using this software.
ProDrive Software is the main application, especially used in managing inverter parameters. It features automatic inverter identification, on-line monitor and trip error history.
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