S7A 7.52 build 120 完美支持西门子主流系列PLC与IFIX 或 Cimplicity 通过S7A 以太网或串口方式进行通讯,轻松配置,快速连接。使用补丁后还是提示未授权,你不用理会文字提示,实测2小时后数据永久不中断。不会使用者,不建议下载!仅用于自己在家学习测试用途,不可用于工业场合,这类补丁只是测试学习目的用途,稳定性可靠性没有任何保障。
S7A752_122 驱动及补丁.rar
(11.02 MB, 售价: 20 E币)
一、支持组态软件:iFIX 5.5 / 5.8 /5.9,Cimplicity 9.5- FIX Dynamics version 2.1 or greater
- Proficy iFIX version 3.5 up to version 5.9
- Cimplicity HMI version 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0 and 9.5
- Any third-party HMI software packages with an OPC client interface (e.g. InTouch HMI)
Supported Protocols For S7 communication the S7A driver uses the so-called PG protocol which is used by the Step 7 programming station to communicate with the PLC. The advantage of this protocol is that it does not needs any configuration effort at the PLC side. Supported PG protocol commands:
Siemens S7-200 PLC- Flags (read/write)
- Outputs (read/write)
- Counters (read/write)
- Special memory (SM) (read/write)
- Variable memory (V) (read/write)
- Inputs (read)
- Timers (read)
Siemens S7-300/S7-400 PLC- Flags (read/write)
- Data blocks (read/write)
- Outputs (read/write)
- Counters (read/write)
- Inputs (read)
- Timers (read)
- PLC information (read)
- PLC state (read)
Siemens S7-1200/1500- Flags (read/write)
- Data blocks (read/write)
- Outputs (read/write)
- Inputs (read)
三、支持操作系统:Windows 7/Windows 10/Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2016
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