EcoStruxure Control ExpertUnity ProIEC Programming Software for Modicon PACs - formerly known as Unity Pro A unique software platform to increase design productivity and performance of your Modicon M340, M580, Momentum, Premium, Quantum and Quantum Safety applications. Features- "All-in-one" software
- 5 IEC61131-3 languages + Legacy LL984
- Integrated conversion tools from Concept, Proworks, PL7 Pro
- FDT / DTM standard for field device integration
- Standard objects and libraries
- Customizable integrated Function Block Library (DFB)
- PLC simulator on PC, Built-in test and diagnostic
- Animation tables, Operator Screens and Trending Tool
What’s new? Modicon M580, the attractive PAC- Support new High End, Hot Standby controllers including LL984 langage and Quantum Ethernet I/O drops
- CCOTF on M580 local I/Os
- Cybersecurity: Events log, enable/disable services, IPsec ….
- System time stamping of application variables
- Device integration: Ethernet network manager
Modicon Quantum controller Improvements for all controllers - Full Excel import/export tool
- ANY_BOOL data type
- Audit Trail: Log in Syslog
BenefitsDesigned to boost your engineering productivity
Unity Pro allows to design your applications faster and easier with its:- Standardized objects or libraries
- Easy integration of field devices (FDT/DTM standard)
- Powerful debug and simulation tools
- Structured vision of data, including predefined diagnostic parameters of I/O modules
- Full compatibility with existing applications
Designed to diagnose, maintain and update your installations - Unity Pro allows to maintain & update your installations without stopping the process (Change Configuration on the Fly - "CCOTF" - functions).
- Animation tables (recipes), operator screens and trending tool allow easy maintenance of your process from a single software.
- Thanks to the Modicon M580 web server, you can diagnose from any tablet or smart phone.
Smooth transition from legacy PLCs to state-of-the-art PACs
Unity Pro’s integrated conversion tools (from Concept, ProWORX, PL7 Pro....) bring smooth continuity and migration from your legacy PLC ranges to the new generation PACs. - Migrate legacy applications to Modicon PACs without rewriting the applications.
- 6 programming languages with Modicon’s original LL984 and the entire suite of 5 IEC PLC programming languages.
ApplicationsProcess control applications for: - Modicon M340
- Modicon M580
- Modicon Momentum
- Modicon Premium
- Modicon Quantum
- Modicon Quantum Safety
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