FACTORY I / O is a 3D factory simulation software for automation technology training
FACTORY IO 2.4.3 虚拟仿真调试软件 支持西门子PLC下载地址
Install Factory I / O software:
Unzip Factoryio 2.2.3:
Open Factory Io 2.2.3 and run the factory io-2.2.2-installer installation file as an administrator:
In the User Account Control window, we choose to:
Install the language in English installer:
In the pop-up window, choose Next:
In the License Agreement window, select I accept the agreement and select Next:
Select the "Next" option without changing the pop-up:
In the pop-up window, choose Next:
Wait for the software installation to complete:
Press "Finish" after the installation is complete:
Go to the Factory_io_2.2.3_full_2 folder and copy the Assembly-CSharp.dll file:
C:Program Files (x86)Real GamesFactory IOFactory IO_DataManaged
Go to and paste the file:
Run the Factory IO software. As shown, the software license has been activated with the Siemens version, without restrictions:
04. Upgrade to v2.2.3
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