



GE SI7 I/O Server 7.45a

zhangbing 发表于 2019-8-9 18:32:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

GE SI7 IO Server 7.45a_SI7_DRV7.rar (18.94 MB, 售价: 100 E币)
The SI7 driver requires the following software:

Operating System
*  Microsoft?Windows?Server 2008 R2   64-bit (WoW64)
*  Microsoft?Windows?7   32 and 64-bit (WoW64)
*  Microsoft?Windows?Server 2008 SP2
*  Microsoft?Windows?Vista?Business or Ultimate Edition
*  Microsoft?Windows?Server 2003, SP2 or greater
*  Microsoft?Windows?XP Professional, Service Pack 2 or greater

GE Intelligent Platforms Software
*  FIX 7.0
*  iFIX 2.6 or greater
*  CIMPLICITY HMI version 6.1 Service Pack 2 or greater
*  Proficy Machine Edition 5.0 or greater

Additional Software
*  Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater.

*  The SI7 driver supports:
   SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication Software/SIMATIC NET SOFTNET-IE Networking for Industry PC Software 8.1 from Siemens.  The package
   used in testing was found on the SIMATIC NET DVD V8.1.  This version
   must be used when running on newer operating systems (Windows 7
   Professional/Ultimate, Server 2008 R2 incl SP1).

   SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication Software v6.2 from Siemens?
   November, 2003 CD.

   SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication Software v6.1 from Siemens?
   November, 2002 CD.

   SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication Software v6.0 from Siemens?
   July, 2001 + SP4 CD.

   SIMATIC NET Industrial Communication Software from the Siemens'
   May, 2000 CD (v5.x).

*  SIMATIC NET v6.2 does not support Windows NT; you must have Windows 2000 SP3/4,
   Windows XP Professional SP1, or Windows Server 2003 installed.

   SIMATIC NET v6.1 is supported on Windows XP Professional + SP1; it is not
   supported on Windows Server 2003.

   SIMATIC NET v6.0 is supported on Windows NT 4.0 + SP6.0a and Windows 2000 + SP1;
   it is not supported on Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.
B.1  New Features Included in this Release
The following new features were added to the SI7 driver as part of this release:

*  FixIOUser was removed as part of v7.42a.  In this version we've added a new
   utility app which will be installed in the iFIX directory and will be executed
   automatically at the end of install.  If the FixIOUser account is found on the
   system, the user will be prompted to remove it.  If the user selects OK,
   the utility will automatically remove the account fromt he system.  If the
   selects EXIT or if the FixIOUser account is not found, no aciton is taken.

*  Corrected display issue with assigning Hardware Options.

*  Removed dependancy on KeyHelp.ocx due to industry security vulnerability concerns.

*  To address security concerns, the FixIOUser account has been removed.  When
   configuring the server in service mode, you will need to use either a named
   account or the System Account.

   The FixIOUser account is no longer created during install nor is it presented for use
   when registering the server to run in service mode.  This account was considered a
   security concern.  When registering this server, the user is now given the choice of using
   the local account (non-remote access) or a named account.  For users with pre-existing
   installations, FixIOUser is not automatically removed from the system, since it may
   be in use with other servers which have not yet been updated.  If no other 7x servers
   are installed, users can use Windows tools to safely remove this account from the system.

*  Added support for operating systems up to and including Microsoft?Windows?Server 2008 R2
   32-bit and WoW64 (64-bit)

*  The SI7 server now supports 15 digits of precision with analog data.

        -  If you are using the SI7 server 7.42 (and above) in iFIX 5.0 (and above)
        15-digit precision is supported for both data values and signaling

        -  If you are using the SI7 server 7.42 (and above) in iFIX 4.5, 15-digit
        precision is supported for data values only, and not for signal
        conditioning. Therefore, in iFIX 4.5, signal conditioning calculations
        are limited to 7 digits of precision. In other words, if the range of
        your EGU limits exceeds 7 digits, a small amount of imprecision will
        be introduced into the calculated result for signal conditioning.

        -  Prior to iFIX 4.5, 15-digit precision was not supported. Instead,
        you are limited to the 7 digit limits imposed by the use of single
        precision values.

The SI7 driver has the following known issues:

*  It is recommended that SIMATIC NET, 6.x not be used as a service. The
   SI7 driver does not support running as a service with SIMATIC NET 6.x.
   Alternatively, you can use SIMATIC NET 5.x as a service without any

*  At the time of release, the SI7 driver supports
   exception-based processing for Analog Input and Digital Input
   blocks only.

*  The use of the Auto Create option is not recommended
   when the Hardware Options field is used in the database to override
   default data types.  If you require Database Manager to create new
   datablocks automatically, verify that all database blocks that use
   the Hardware Options field reference valid datablock ranges.

*  Starting the driver with a large configuration may cause a message
   box with the following text to appear:

   The driver can't start because it is processing a previous stop
   request.  Please try again.

   This message appears because SIMATIC NET is cleaning up connections
   from a previous stop request.

   Once you dismiss the message box, wait for SIMATIC NET to clean up
   all connections in the driver configuration.  The amount of time
   this requires depends on the protocol in use.  ISO and TCP
   communications can take up to 2 minutes to resolve themselves.  

   Once SIMATIC NET cleans up all the connections, you can start the
   driver by selecting the Start button in the Power Tool.

Only use the SI7 server window for troubleshooting.  
When you are not debugging a problem, disable all debug messages and
close the server window.  Leaving debug messages enabled or leaving
the SI7 server window open degrades driver performance.

If you experience difficulty running the SI7 driver with FIX or iFIX
installed, refer to the following section for information on how to
resolve the problem.

When you install the SI7 driver, the installation program creates
a driver configuration file called nodename.SI7.  FIX/iFIX uses this
file when you automatically start the driver.  If you subsequently
change the name of your SCADA server after installing the driver,
FIX/iFIX cannot automatically start the driver because the name
of the node does not match the name of the configuration file.  To
correct this, rename the configuration file to match the name of
your SCADA server.  For example, if you change the name of the
SCADA server from SCADA1 to SCADA9, rename the configuration file
from SCADA1.SI7 to SCADA9.SI7.

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