(754 Bytes, 售价: 30 E币)
Software requirements
SINUMERIK STEP 7 Toolbox V15 is a TIA Portal options package, which requires the following products to be installed:
SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V15
To use the SINUMERIK Safety Integrated plus safety concept, you also need the following TIA Portal options package:
SIMATIC Safety V15
SINUMERIK STEP 7 Toolbox V15 is an option package for SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V15 (TIA Portal) with additional setup.
Functional scope
SINUMERIK STEP 7 Toolbox V15 contains the following tools and functions:
Supplementation of the hardware catalog with the following modules of the SINUMERIK 840D sl (as of firmware V4.5 SP2 or higher):
NCU 710.3
NCU 720.3
NCU 730.3
Supplement of the hardware catalog to include the ADI4 module
SINUMERIK basic PLC program
The TIA Portal Toolbox automatically installs the basic PLC program as the system library "SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC Basic Program". Matching the firmware versions of the modules, there are different versions of the PLC basic program:
SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.5.x.x
SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.7.x.x
SINUMERIK 840D sl PLC basic program V4.8.x.x
Export of PLC symbols for SINUMERIK Operate
Importing SINUMERIK user alarm texts
Creating SINUMERIK PLC archives
Support of PROFINET IO IRT for NCK
Support of SINUMERIK Safety Integrated and Safety Integrated plus
NC VAR selector (external tool)
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