



WINCAPS III Version 3.67.0 安装文件下载

mopi 发表于 2024-11-17 02:25:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
兼容操作系统:Microsoft Windows 11和 Microsoft Windows 10
百度网盘下载链接.txt (1.44 KB, 售价: 3 E币)
[v2.80.1] April 15, 2009
+ The T03 controller was supported.
+ WINCAPS III GUI was localized.(German, Korean, Chinese)
+ Program-view layout was remembered.
+ Arm-Parameter was able to be read and written.
+ The online switch processing was sped up.
+ [Bug Fix] Viosion Calibrating doesn't work correctly.
+ [Bug Fix] The color of some PAC commands doesn't change.(LETT...)

[v2.80.2] June 19, 2009
+ Add an oscilloscope display mode in the I/O window.
+ Add 'Register string' and 'Insert registered string' in the 'Edit' menu.
+ Support a search function by 'F1' key for a program name and a label name.
+ Add 'Tab width', 'Auto indent' and 'Replace tab to space' options in the 'Editor' setting window.
+ [Bug Fix] 'Sort by file name' button was disabled after sorting once.
+ [Bug Fix] 'Check current program syntax' button was disabled after checking once.
+ [Bug Fix] When a negative value was set for the radius of a circle in the 'Window edit', WINCAPS III finishes suddenly.
+ [Bug Fix] When an invalid value was set in the 'Search model edit', WINCAPS III finishes suddenly.

[v2.90.0 - B520] September 29, 2009
+ When a variable memory was not allocated, an error message is displayed.
+ When 'Open Project' or 'New Project' operation was canceled, it backs to the current project.
+ Multi-instance of WINCAPS III. (But connectable instance is restricted to only one.)
+ 'Add comment' and 'Format code' functions are added.
+ Size specification of an external 3D CAD data was changed from magnification to 'mm' or 'm' or 'inch'.
+ Add a 'Clear' function of the output pane.
+ Continue WINCAPS III installation even if a PC was restarted on the way of the installation.
+ Add 'Tool/Work/Area' menu in the 'Import/Export' functions.
+ Add 'Display Color/Clear/Pause' sub-menus in the 'Moving Tracks' of 'Arm' menu.
+ Add a 'Controller information' window. It shows a version, options, running time and so on.
+ Support CC-Link remote register.
+ Support EtherNet/IP.
+ Return the focus after copy & paste in the variable window.
+ Add 'Operation Panel' menu even if panel.exe was not installed.
+ [Bug Fix] The variable values was not updated when the window was activated.
+ [Bug Fix] 'IFDEF' was not colored.
+ [Bug Fix] A WINCAPS II project file with '.' character in the file name was not converted.
+ [Bug Fix] A work coordinate was not updated at the On-line mode.
+ [Bug Fix] When sending an executable file after getting only variables, the number of variables were sometimes inconsistent.

[v3.00.0] 2010/03/22
+ The printing functions (including preview functions) are fully remodeled.
+ Add a global text replacement function. And the GUI is integrated into the existing search function.
+ Add settings of local ports and local IP addresses in the communication settings of the Ethernet.
+ Improve user interfaces of the ArmPlayerPlus, to change to edit mode by pressing key.
+ Improve user interfaces of the ArmPlayerPlus, to keep the cursor position when stopped.
+ Improve the Save-As procedure of WINCAPS III to rename the WPJ and the neighboring files.
+ Change the displaying value of the robot position in the Arm3D view to be on the tool and work coordinate system.
+ Change the robot position value in the variable pane to be on the tool and work coordinate system.
+ Change the destination value in the ArmPlayerPlus to be on the tool and work coordinate system.
+ Add the External TCP function in the work settings and displaying.
+ [Bug Fix] Can not edit the tool and work coordinate value in the debug-mode.
+ [Bug Fix] Can not import a project file of WINCAPS II of the version 2.2.23 and the previous.
+ [Bug Fix] Assume the fig value as '-1' when the value is specified as '0' in the ArmPlayerPlus.

[v3.00.1] 2010/04/19
+ The initial value of the RANG parameters for the XYC-R robot are modified.

[v3.10.0] 2010/10/08
+ Add 'Copy' and 'Select All' functions to the Single Trace Log.
+ Add a option to turn on or off the Programming Input Assistance.
+ Add a new pointing function, the '3D View Teaching'.
+ Add a option to close the progress window at one time after transmitting and receiving data.
+ Change the 'Add comment' and 'Format code' function to exclude the encrypted PAC.
+ Change to synchronize the pac configuration with the variable number.  

[v3.20.0] 2011/01/17
+ Add a new robot type,VS-A2 series.
+ Add a new function:Virtual robot simulator.
+ Add a new function:Simple position correction.
+ Add a function to record a movie of the 3DView.

[v3.30.0] 2011/04/27
+ Add a new robot type,VS-A1 series.
+ Windows7 compliant (32bit & 64bit).

[v3.32.0] 2011/09/17
+ Add a new robot type,VS-Dust&Mistproof type.
+ Add a new robot type,T03 RSC Extrajoint.
+ Add a new function:Program template wizard.
+ Add a new function:Measure point-to-point distance.
+ add a new arm operation mode, the 'Inching mode'.

[v3.33.0] 2011/12/07
+ Add a new robot type,VS-Cleanroom type.
+ Change the max.payload of VM series(13Kg).

[v3.33.1] 2012/04/13
+ Change the shape of the VS-Cleanroom robot.
+ Add the Force-Control function.

[v3.41.0] Aug 01, 2012
+ RC8 controller was supported.
+ Add a option to treat an individual file in the 'Import/Export' functions.
+ Add a new robot type,VS-A1,A3 Bottom connector panel.

[v3.41.1] Sep 10, 2012
+ The XR Robot(RC8) was supported.
+ [Bug Fix] The BMP file to use in TP-Designer is not added to a project.

[v3.42.1] Dec 19, 2012
+ Add the 'Spline-Movement' function.
+ Add the 'attitude control' to the arm operation.
+ Enable the setting of 'Make on boot' and 'Priority' in the program list.
+ The reading the project of WINCAPS II function is modified.

[v3.43.1] Mar 05, 2013
+ RC8 extrajoint was supported.
+ Add the 'Project comparison' function in the 'Tool' menu.

[v3.43.2] Apr 23, 2013
+ The parameters of gravity compensation feature are modified.

[v3.44.0] May 21, 2013
+ Add a new robot type, RC8 VS-G.
+ Add a new robot type, RC8 SCR.
+ Add a new IO Device, PROFINET IO.
+ The IO assign switch processing is modified.

[v3.44.1] Jun 20, 2013
+ The parameters of the extrajoint are modified.

[v3.45.0] Aug 28, 2013
+ Support the 'Simple position correction' function for RC8 project.
+ Add the 'ControllerID' to the 'Controller Information'.
+ Enable the transmission by choosing 'Usage' and 'Macro' in 'Variables'.

[v3.46.0] Dec 6, 2013
+ Windows8 compliant.
+ Support RC8 Online(Debug) mode.
+ Support the operation panel file(*.pns, *.pnl) by the search function.

[v3.46.1] Jan 7, 2014
+ [Bug Fix] Priority and make-on-boot becomes the initial value when receiving source files from RC8 controller.

[v3.46.2] Mar 14, 2014
+ Support the User-data of RC8 Control Log.
+ Add the easy edit function of TOOL/WORK/AREA Coordinates.

[v3.47.0] July 1, 2014
+ Add a new robot type,VS-S2 series.
+ Support the I/O Conversion Box.
+ Add a new function:Program encryption.
+ Add a new function:Program Lock.

[v3.47.2] Sep 18,2014
+ Add UL-Listed robot(VSA3/VSA4/HM/HS).

[v3.48.1] Dec 17, 2014
+ Support RC8 Coordinate function.

[v3.49.0] February 24, 2015
+ Add a new robot type,XR2.
+ Support the 'Controller extension' for RC8 controller.

[v3.49.1] May 7, 2015
+ Add a new robot type,iArmS.

[v3.49.2] May 26, 2015
+ [Bug Fix] 'RC8 upgrade tools' doesn't work correctly.

[v3.49.3] July 2, 2015
+ Support RC8 controller V1.11.0.

[v3.50.0] October 1, 2015
+ Support RC8 Virtual fence and Exclusive control functions.

[v3.51.0] March 24, 2016
+ Windows10 compliant.
+ Add a new robot type,LPH.
+ Add the 'Export' function to the Joint-setting.

[v3.51.1] April 11, 2016
+ Support RC8 controller V1.13.1.

[v3.51.2] June 23, 2016
+ The parameters of LPH robot are modified.

[v3.52.0] July 20, 2016
+ Support RC8A controller.

[v3.52.1] September 8, 2016
+ Add a new robot type,HSR.

[v3.53.0] November 17, 2016
+ Add a new function:Error+Operation log.

[v3.54.0] February 15, 2017
+ Add a new robot type,HS-A1.

[v3.54.1] April 20, 2017
+ Add UL-Listed robot(HSR, HS-A1).

[v3.55.0] June 14, 2017
+ Improve the program editor.

[v3.55.1] September 29, 2017
+ Add new types of HSR robot, W5 and C3 type.

[v3.56.1] April 17, 2018
+ Add a new robo type, COBOTTA.

[v3.56.3] July 20, 2018
+ Support COBOTTA SAL parameter.

[v3.56.4] September 13, 2018
+ Support 'Dual Arm Control' function.

[v3.57.0] October 23, 2018
+ Add a new function:RC8 Communication setting.

[v3.57.1] February 1, 2019
+ Support HSR-Z510mm/450mm.

[v3.58.0] May 7, 2019
+ Support HSR Metal-detecteable bellows type.
+ Support COBOTTA Ver2.8.

[v3.58.1] September 24, 2019
+ HSR ceiling mount model was changed.

[v3.58.2] November 26, 2019
+ Add new types of HM robot, C5 type.

[v3.59.0] January 15, 2020
+ Add a new robot type,RC8 XYC type.

[v3.59.1] March 19, 2020
+ [Bug Fix] Virtual Fence function of XR robot.

[v3.59.2] May 26, 2020
+ [Bug Fix] 'COBOTTA Parameter Tool' doesn't work correctly.

[v3.59.3] May 29, 2020
+ Add a new robot type,RC8 D-Carry type.
+ Add a new robot type,RC8 HM-4085-C5, HM-40A0-C5 type.
+ Add Model-data to the item of the Transfer data function.

[v3.59.4] July 9, 2020
+ Support RC8 controller V2.11.1

[v3.59.5] September 25, 2020
+ Support RC8 controller V2.12.0

[v3.60.3] October 22, 2020
+ Support RC9 controller V1.0.1

[v3.60.4] November 11, 2020
+ Support RC8 controller V2.13.0

[v3.60.6] January 28, 2021
+ Support RC8 controller V2.14.0

[v3.61.0] March 18, 2021
+ Support RC8 controller V2.15.0
+ Support RC9 controller V1.1.0

[v3.61.1] April 22, 2021
+ Support RC9 controller V1.1.1

[v3.62.0] July 5, 2021
+ Add a new robot type,RC9 MC9 type.
+ Support RC8 controller V2.16.0
+ Support RC9 controller V1.2.0

[v3.62.1] September 9, 2021
+ [Bug Fix] 'COBOTTA Versionup Tool' doesn't work correctly.

[v3.63.1] December 8, 2021
+ Support RC8 controller V2.17.0
+ Support RC9 controller V1.3.1

[v3.64.0] March 24, 2022
+ Support RC8 controller V2.18.0
+ Support RC9 controller V1.4.0

[v3.65.0] July 26, 2022
+ Support RC9 controller V1.4.1
+ Add a new robot type,RC9 COBOTTA PRO type.

[v3.65.1] February 24, 2023
+ Support RC9 controller V1.6.0

[v3.65.2] March 29, 2023
+ Support RC9 controller V1.7.0

[v3.65.3] July 6, 2023
+ Windows11 compliant.
+ Support RC8 controller V2.20.0
+ Support RC9 controller V1.7.2

[v3.65.6] July 12, 2023
+ Support RC9 controller V1.8.0

[v3.65.10] August 8, 2023
+ Support RC9 controller V1.8.1

[v3.66.0] August 23, 2023
+ Support RC9 controller V1.9.0

[v3.66.1] November 15, 2023
+ Support RC9 controller V1.9.3

[v3.67.0] January 15, 2024
+ Support RC8 controller V2.21.0
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