- Private Sub Text1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
- lblTopic = "输入要监控或设置的地址回车确定,如D0,T10,Y7等"
- End Sub
- Private Sub Text2_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- If KeyCode <> 13 Then
- start = False
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
- char = Chr(KeyAscii)
- KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(char))
- If Device = "D" And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And Val(setad) < 1000 Then
- start = False
- End If
- If (Device = "T" Or Device = "C") And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And Val(setad) < 256 Then
- start = False
- End If
- If KeyAscii = 13 Then
- If Val(DevAdd) > 7999 Then
- If MsgBox("改变系统参数可能对系统造成破坏,是否写入?", vbOKCancel + vbCritical) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
- ElseIf MsgBox("改变当前值可能对运行造成危险,是否写入?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
- End If
- If Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 0 Then
- DevAdd = Right(("0000" + setad), 4)
- ElseIf Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 1 Then
- DevAdd = Right(("0000" + setad), 4)
- Else
- DevAdd = Right(("000" + setad), 3)
- End If
- If OptionD.Value Then '十进制方式
- If Device = "C" And Val(setad) > 199 Then 'C200以上写入
- If Val(Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
- DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" + Right("00000000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 8)
- ElseIf Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 1 Then '双字节D写入
- If Val(Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
- DevDat1 = Right("00000000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 8)
- DevDat1 = Right(DevDat1, 4) + Left(DevDat1, 4)
- DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "02" + DevDat1
- Else
- If Val(Text2.Text) > 32767 Then: GoTo this
- If Device = "D" Then '单字节D写入
- DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "01" + Right("0000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 4)
- Else 'C200以下写入
- DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" + Right("0000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 4)
- End If
- End If
- Else '十六进制方式
- If Device = "C" And Val(setad) > 199 Then 'C200以上写入
- If Val("&H" + Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
- DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" + Right("00000000" + Text2.Text, 8)
- ElseIf Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 1 Then '双字节D写入
- If Val("&H" + Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
- DevDat1 = Right("00000000" + Text2.Text, 8)
- DevDat1 = Right(DevDat1, 4) + Left(DevDat1, 4)
- DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "02" + DevDat1
- Else
- If Val("&H" + Text2.Text) > 32767 Then: GoTo this
- If Device = "D" Then '单字节D写入
- DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "01" + Right("0000" + Text2.Text, 4)
- ……………………
- …………限于本文篇幅 余下代码请下载附件…………
VB开发的串口与三菱FX PLC通讯源码.rar
(19.54 KB, 售价: 5 E币)
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