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Windows 10 - 32bit/64bit,Windows 7 - 32bit/64 bit,Windows 8 - 32 bit/64 bit,Windows VISTA,Windows XP
The safety temperature limiter (STB) and the safety temperature monitor (STW) are used to reliably detect and avert hazards that could cause injuries, are harmful to the environment or cause destruction of production plants and produced goods, at an early stage.
Its primary task is to reliably monitor thermal processes and switch the systems to an operationally safe status in the event of malfunctions.
The measured value at the analog input can be recorded by various probes or standard signals.
The limit value overrange is indicated by the installed LEDs K1 and K2 (red) for each channel, and the installed relay "Alarm" switches the system to an operationally safe status (alarm range).
The high standards of DIN EN 61 508 and DIN EN ISO 13849 are met by a device design, the 1oo2D structure of which ensures reliable detection of errors and, thus, can also be used for applications according to the new Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
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