:lol:lol:lol EXCLUSIVE RELEASE TO ELEOK :lol:lol:lol
PLC-Lab v1.5.1.1:
- The versatility of PLC-Lab objects creates unprecedented opportunities for developing virtual assets.
- The (simplified) digital twin becomes affordable with PLC-Lab.
- New, state-of-the-art software: the entire surface is vector-oriented. This means no loss of quality when zooming in and out. As well as a sharp representation on high-resolution monitors.
- Create a perfect test environment for your PLC program or GRAFCET with a 2D virtual plant in no time.
- Shorten the commissioning time significant by a better and more thorough pre-test (thereby amortizing the purchase price immediately at the first commissioning).
- PLC-Lab closes the gap between a simple test only with S7-PLCSIM and the complex simulation with a digital twin in 3D.
More Info @ https://www.mhj-online.de/software/plc-lab/
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