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(11.99 KB, 售价: 1 E币)
These Add-On-Instructions (AOI) are provided for use with the QTS-CLX-PVX Module that is sold by Quest Technical Solutions.
For analog signals they allow the raw data from the PROVOX 20-Series Control I/O to be converted into a REAL Percent value for analog inputs and back again for analog outputs.
Currently only two AOIs are provided for analog values. These are required for the all modes of operation (slave, monitor, and master). Discrete values are handled in native format in either words or bits for inputs and outputs.
This AOI is used to convert the PROVOX analog input value from highway percent INT format to CLX REAL format. The value coming into the AOI is a two byte INT that contains the integer (byte1) and fractional (byte0) portions of a real value between -25.00% and +125.00%. Once the value is converted it can then be scaled to the correct engineering units that the original PROVOX signal had.
This AOI is used to convert the CLX REAL percent analog output value to PROVOX highway percent INT format. The value coming into the AOI is a four byte REAL as a percentage of the engineering units that contains the integer and fractional portion that needs to be divided and converted into a two byte INT that the PROVOX system can handle. The range of this value needs to be limited to -13.97% to +113.97% to keep the PROVOX system happy.
Both instructions are written in Structured Text for speed and have not been protected. If you feel that the accuracy can be improved, please provide feedback to David Bachman, Rockwell Automation.
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